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What is “Non-Dual Astrology?”

Writer's picture: Sam LoweSam Lowe

Updated: Jan 5, 2020

The quick answer to the question is this:

Non-dual astrology is the discipline of looking at the mirror of the universe to understand the context of your life; it realizes that the universe doesn't happen to you, but that you are the universe itself.

For most of my life, I struggled hard with the concept that "all is one."

Despite being raised in a religious home — or perhaps because of it — I never could wrap my head around it.

The world was “outside” of me. Others were “apart” from me. My consciousness wasn't yours or anyone else’s. And God? God — whatever he or she or it was — was literally on a completely different wavelength, lightyears above and beyond tiny, little, insignificant “me.”

More importantly, I wanted to feel what that "unity" felt like, but that was another level of reality altogether. I mean, if you truly apprehended being everything, and not just a part of everything, what could that experience possibly be like?

For example, as a little boy sitting in our southern American church, I was told I could be — and in fact must be like Jesus. And yet, when he said, “I and my Father are one,” was that experience exclusive to him and only him?

Your Unity, Courtesy of Jesus & The Flowers Many years ago, I read a book by Alan Watts that flipped the first switch.

In a certain passage, he described asking a number of people individually to simply imagine a flower.

Easy, right?

Then, he asked them to describe in detail what they were visualizing.

For some, they'd see the center of a daisy — a radius of silk white petals surrounding a nucleus of brilliant yellow.

For others, a full bloom of some sort attached to a single green stalk and a few leaves. 

Still others, a field of flowers might spring to mind, complete with windswept grass, blue sky, and birds.

He went on to ask, at what point is the concept of a flower distinct from or separate from that which is — not a flower? 

After all, a flower — any flower — demands its stalk to raise the nutrients from below, and leaves to gather energy from light. And implicit in that sentence, is the earth from which roots emerge, and the sun around which the earth spins. 

Take away or diminish any of these so-called elements or parts, and the flower ceases to be.

“Consider how the (flowers) of the field grow: They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory was adorned like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?”

So the question is, what is the border, edge, or separation between things? 

You can extrapolate on this endlessly. Any lone flower therefore ceases to be, in fact couldn't have been,without the rich interaction of bees or ants to aid in germination. Just take that for starters and out you go, spiraling, fact upon fact. Therefore, flower, earth, birds, bees, atmosphere, sun, and eventually what we call You and Me — it is all One Organism.

And we, humans, are an inseparable aspect of that One Organism.

Inseperable and “Partless” The Sun, and it's array of circling planets, and a host of asteroids and fixed stars are all a part of the discipline of astrology. And yet, it's not accurate to say "a part," because the whole organism is just that — a whole.

And by extension of the previous description, astrology is simply a way of looking at ourselves, because you are an integral aspect of that swirling, gorgeous entity.

Consider this: You can take a car apart, system by system, bolt by bolt. When it’s a pile of parts laying in a garage or in a driveway, it’s just that — parts. However, you can reassemble those parts, and vroom, the car will run again.

Now what about you? Or a dog? Or our aforementioned flower?

What happens if you take any of those apart, system by system, piece by piece? Can you reassemble that disassembled part, expecting it to live again?

You, and all of life, are like that. Pull you into “parts,” and the objective You ceases to be.

The Consciousness that is You continues, but, that’s another blog post. :)

By understanding astrology in this context, you realize that you are looking at the rippling patterns of life, Your Life, reflected in the perfect order and precision of the cosmos.


  • Non-dualism is an understanding of reality; of how everything works together in one unified whole

  • Non-dual astrology is using astrology as a life-mirror — since nothing is separated and everything is in a unified dance, you can gain a broader perspective for the context of your life

  • Non-dual astrology, like any other form of astrology, shouldn't be used as a tool for predicting events, anymore than looking in a mirror before an interview will guarantee you get the job :). It can, however, help you understand the “energetic field” in which your interview will take place


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